Annual Report 2023-24

August 31, 2024

In the past year, the Munich Animal Rights Club has grown significantly, both in membership and engagement. We currently have 16 active members and we do not have formal leadership positions; rather, members take responsibility based on their interests and specific projects.

Events and activities that were open to all:

  1. Information Stands: We held information stands approximately once a week at various locations on the TUM campus. These events aimed to raise awareness about animal agriculture and animal rights. We showed footage of animal agriculture to students who stopped by and engaged them in discussions about the ethical treatment of animals and related issues.

  2. Social Events: Bi-weekly social events were organized, where we invited students to join us for informal gatherings that included eating, playing games, and discussing animal rights issues. These events were advertised on Instagram and our website, ensuring that they were open and welcoming to all students.

  3. Movie Screenings: Twice this year, we hosted animal rights-related movie screenings. One screening took place at StudiTUM, and the other at the weTüpferl in Garching. These screenings were open to all students and were promoted through Instagram, our website, posters, and flyers.

Club-Only activities:

  1. Organizational Meetings: Once a week, our members met either online or at StudiTUM to discuss organizational matters and plan upcoming events. These meetings were essential for the smooth running of the club and helped keep everyone informed about ongoing projects.

  2. Field Trips: As part of our internal activities, we organized two trips to an animal sanctuary. These trips served as a bonding experience for our members and reinforced our commitment to animal rights advocacy.

Other activities:

We also joined forces with other student clubs at TUM to work towards shared goals. With Klima Cafe we were involved in the planning and organization of the weTüpferl space at the MI building in Garching and hosted a movie screening together in that space. With Green Mensa we work towards more plant-based alternatives at the mensas.


In summary, the Munich Animal Rights Club successfully increased its membership and actively engaged both the student body and its members through a variety of activities and events. The benefits of accreditation helped us immensely for the planning and carrying out of events. The room booking rights allowed easy planning for regular events and a great location option for special events like our movie screenings. The storage space gave every member easy access to club material, like advertisement posters and equipment for our weekly information stands. We look forward to continuing our work in the coming year, with even more activities and greater outreach to the university community.

– MARC Organizers